PetArmor provides vet-quality protection from disease-transmitting fleas and ticks for significantly less than Frontline prodicyst. PetArmor contains the number one vet-recommended active ingredient for flea and tick protection and is backed by 19 clinical trials. It is the leading fiprobil-based flea and tick treatment sold at big box retail and drug stores and carries a money-back "Protection Guarentee".
Additional product highlights:
- Easy to use, fast-acting topical flea and tick treatment, providing long lasting, waterproof protection
- Provides protection from four major species of ticks, inclduing those that transmit Lyme Disease
- Safe for use in dogs and cats 8 weeks or older
- PetArmor for Dogs comes in four sizes based on weight, PetArmor for Cats comes in one size
- Each package containes three pipettes for three-month's worth of treatment
Review: My daughter is allergic to fleas and when the dogs get them, she gets bitten and looks like she has an outbreakof chickenpox. We had a terrible case of fleas this winter and I had to pay big bucks for flea protection medicine. I wish I would have purchased the less expensive PetArmor when we had fleas but I was under the impression that more money = better product. The application of PetArmor was simple and I was able to give both of my dogs their monthly flea protection in just minutes. I will warn you, however, that you should keep your dogs away from furniture immediately after application. My bulldog rubbed up against our new leather couch and there was a chemical reaction and it ruined a section of the couch (very sad since the couch is not paid off yet). I noticed a couple of fleas right before we applied PetArmor and two weeks later - there are none! It does work well and I am thrilled that we have a less expensive option that, although it is not leather couch-friendly, works just as well as the more expensive brand we had been purchasing.
Buy it here: PetArmor is available at Walmart, Target, and other masjor retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $25 for a three-month supply. It is also available through Amazon
I was provided with the above mentioned sample for the purpose of facilitating this review. No other compensation was received and the views expressed here are my own.
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