Review: My daughter was so thrilled when we were given the opportunity to review a Botti-Bot. She has always been jealous of the availability of remote controlled cars that she deemed more appropriate for boys and was so happy to have something similar that was even more appealing. There were two separate joysticks and a number of buttons so all the options for movement, sounds, and lights kept her quite entertained. See it in action here:
Overall, it is a cute toy and she enjoyed taking it outside to show all the neighborhood kids who loved taking turns. There does seem to be a mechanical problem, at least with the one I received. After about 4 minutes of continual use, it just stops working. I have to manually turn the power off and on again and it will work for another 4-5 minutes before it happens again. It is a minor annoyance, but something the company should probably address especially if they are going to retail them for almost $40.
I truly thought my daughter would tire of this quickly (as she tires of most toys within a few days) but she has been going pretty strong with the Botti-Bot. She enjoys taking it outside with her friends and irritating, I mean playing with, the dogs. Despite the mechanical problem, she gives it her thumbs-up.
Buy it here: Botti-Bots will be available beginning in late July and will retail at a suggested price of $39.99 at retail locations such as Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us.
I was provided with the above mentioned product for the purpose of facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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